Monday, December 3, 2007

Local Talent Follow-Up and WYTV

Hello all, back again for another week with plenty to keep us busy. First, we want to thank our friends at Defend Youngstown for spreading the word about our last blog, in response to our search for local talent. Check out their blog and keep up on what's happening in the area.

Speaking of local talent, we would like to say good luck to Matt Palka, who recently made a video for his song "Frayed Blue Jeans". The video was filmed in and around Youngstown and is a great showcase for what the area has to offer. Matt entered his video in a contest, where a recording contract is up for grabs, go vote for it here.

Thanks to Shout Youngstown for passing along this information. If you want to learn more about Matt and his video, you can log on to his blog.

Now, to change gears, we'd like to acknowledge those who have recently been laid off from their jobs at WYTV. We are always willing to talk to anyone with experience in video production and related fields. Lay-offs are never pleasant any time of the year, especially for scarce jobs in video production, we are always looking for extra help. Contact us if you are interested and we can set up a time to meet. Best of luck to you all.

Finally, are you tired of waiting on the phone for hours and never talking to a real person? Phone trees are a real hassle and a waste of valuable time in our fast-paced lifestyles. We recently came across a new web service called Bringo. You sign up for this free service, and when you need to make a call, Bringo will do the work for you and notify you when a live person is on the line. It sounds like a great concept and we are looking forward to giving it a try.

1 comment:

Debra Weaver said...

A week or so ago Tyler on Renaissance Youngstown Blog wrote about a book called, "the Four Hour Workweek" Essentially it is about outsourcing your life (which by the way I need to do because there is sinply not enough time to wait on hold). I will be checking out Bringo. cool concept.